Prepare your Ears. . . we’ve got some insightful podcasts for you
It’s never too late to learn more about attracting and retaining client families. The marketing to do so can be complicated at times, but it is always good to keep an open mind and you can maybe learn through the education of others. To that end, we offer these insightful podcasts which we’ve recently uncovered to let you simply listen, learn, and reflect.
From our friends at “Two Guys and a Question” podcast, death care experts Alan Creedy and Danny Jefferson ask how friendly is your business to new visitors?. . . .Do you welcome them or repel them? Here’s what they say about this edition of their podcast library, “Funeral directors tend to be task oriented. As such, when they are interrupted they often make strangers feel unwelcome. They don’t want to be this way, of course, but that is the end result.”
To listen to “Are you chasing people away” from Two Guys and a Question click here.
From the folks at Funeral Director’s Life we bring you a webinar/podcast featuring host Rob Davidson and FDL’s Executive Vice-President and Chief Sales Officer Todd Carlson bringing you an episode entitled “The biggest disconnects between funeral homes and families — Part 1″.
To listen to this FCLIC podcast click here.
Finally, from Nudge, advertised as “Behavioral Science Simplified” we bring you this podcast entitled, “7 Marketing Lessons from Hubspot’s CMO Kipp Bodnar”. According to the teaser for the podcast, Kipp reveals to Nudge the 7 marketing tips he used to build Hubspot”
To listen to this Nudge podcast click here.
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“A servant’s attitude guided by Christ leads to a significant life”

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